Connecting the Dots 2020 - What Students Want in Apps
Students may be digital natives, but they still appreciate ease of use in their go-to apps. While the ability to link credit and debit cards and security round out their most frequently mentioned payment app preferences, they also mentioned rewards, incentives, and wider acceptance rates as appealing features.
To better understand students’ overall digital habits and preferences, download your free copy of Connecting the Dots 2020. Our first annual survey of students’ relationship with money and the mobile world provides a useful overview of how students use technology to interact on campus and manage their daily lives.
The 2020 TouchNet Student Research Project gathered data from an eight-minute, online survey and utilized accepted standards of statistical practice. Respondents were required to be smartphone owners 18 or older enrolled at a U.S. college or university and not employed in a competitive industry. TouchNet will repeat the survey annually for our clients’ benefit.